Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just an update..

Ok so yeah things have been relatively slow lately, my guess is that its getting too cold for crime around here so it slowed down significantly, which actually frees me up to do other things..

for instance, I play world of warcraft and as of right this second I just informed my guild about this blog and that it was me the hero in their guild, now I would mention their name but for fear of my enemies tracking me down or trying to hurt the guild I wont for those Special kind of Saucey reasons.

So yeah its been pretty cold lately, almost makes me want to stay in, but I need to keep patrolling, it is my duty, I will be out patrolling tonight in 30 degree weather, hopefully my cape keeps me warm enough..

Monday, September 3, 2012

Moving On

Last year I went through a very tragic time in my life, something I was not expecting had happened, and there was nothing I could do to fix it.

You all probably know a story about a young Clark Kent who lost his father to a heart attack, well very much like Clark Kent I lost my father the very same way, and like Clark and his father, we were very close. I was devastated when I heard the news of my father's passing, I began to blame myself for it happening, thinking I could have done something, even though in the back of my mind I knew I could not, the more I blamed myself, the more I retreated into myself, I was lost, I was going through the motions of every day but I was not there.

It was the rest of my family and friends that gradually started to pull me back to reality, constantly reminding me it was not my fault and there was nothing I could have done, its been a year and 6 months since it happened and it is time to let go of the past and instead of blaming myself, to forgive myself, and tell myself it was not my fault, it was time to become the hero I once was, the world needs heroes and I couldn't be much of a hero with a heavy heart.

My father wanted me to be the best person I could be, so I will not let him down.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I haven't always been a hero, it was only recently I decided to show my true self and start helping people, the world needed a symbol, the world needed hope.

Being a Hero isn't about being able to save every person from a mugging, or pull someone from a burning building, but to give people hope.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


So I was on patrol last night and ran into these 2 guys trying to break into a car, I called the police and informed them of what was going on, they said they would be sending someone out, but I couldn't wait for them to get there, it might be too late, so I calmly walked towards them and said "please step away from the vehicle" the looks on their faces said it all it was like "what the hell is this?"

I told them the police were already on the way, ignoring me, they went right back to trying to get into the car, I had to do something, so I got as close as I could, and they turned around, the 1 guy had a pipe and he swung it very menacingly and I merely laughed, they then continued to stare at me to see what I would do next, and in a flash I disarmed the man holding the pipe and had him laid out on the ground groaning in pain, his partner stared in stunned silence unsure what to do, so I offered up a choice, surrender or suffer the same fate as his friend, he looks at me as if studying me to see if I was bluffing,  I then took another step forward and he turns around to run, and right at that moment the police pull into the lot and he had nowhere else to go, so I took off into the other direction towards the darkness of the shadows in the alley to avoid being seen.

The cops took the 2 men into custody and I could only imagine what they told the men of their failed attempt.

All in all, it was a good night.


Friday, August 24, 2012


Hello everyone! My name is Supertom and I am what you would call a superhero, I spend my days and nights fighting crime as best as I know how, I go on patrols every hour on the hour to keep my community safe, you may say to yourself "now wait a minute, superheroes don't exist!" well let me tell you something, there are alot more of us out there then you think.

This blog will be my daily blog on my everyday life as a superhero, I will try and update as often as I can and I will also try to include pictures, I hope you all enjoy.
