Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Real Life

Someone close to me suggested I actually also write about things that I have been through in my life *cough*mysister*cough*, all of the ups and the downs, the happiness and the sadness, so I do this now with this very post, I will still continue to post a day in the life but my real life is also my life and I think if i wrote it all down it will give me some piece of mind. I'm not normally a blogger about real life things so I will do as best as i can with this and I hope people can one day come  here and read of my journey through my life thus far, and the reason I took to the whole fantasizing about becoming a superhero and the creation of this very blog, I hope you all stick with me while I lay it out all for you as it comes back to me.

There is a lot to write so hopefully people bear with me here, so I'm going to start at the beginning.

I have always been a big guy as far as I can remember, and I was reasonably happy with myself at the time, everything was perfect grades 1 through 4 were pretty good, well as good as they can be for a kid, but hey at those ages we just let them roll right off our backs, up until the beginning of 5th grade.

There were some days that might have been more rough then others so let me jump back quick to 4th grade and tell you about the day I was walking home from school and ran into a girl who's brother happened to be my one of my best friends at the time, Gerald Frantz, I asked her why I haven't seen or heard from her brother for a long time and why wasn't he in school and I received a relatively big shock when she said my brothers dead and she proceeded to call me a bad name because I guess she thought I  was messing with her but it hit me kinda hard and I didn't want to except it so I kept telling myself he moved, but deep down I knew this wasn't true, as a kid dealing with something like this it can be relatively hard, I imagine it was even harder for his family but it still hit me pretty hard, up until this point I have never talked about Gerald to anyone, he was the kind of kid who was so easy to get along with, he was funny and smart and knew what to say when to say it, Gerald always had an oxygen tank with him with tubes leading to his nose to help him breathe, I knew what it was and what it was for even back then because he was open about it and answered questions if I ever happened to have any, and we quickly became friends, I'm still not sure what he had or maybe I just forgot but I still think about him and the friendship he gave me even now.

I was 13 or 14 and going into middle school, it was D.H.H. Lengel Middle School in Pottsville PA, and right away things were different, everything was harder, which was to be expected, and I remember almost receiving an award in 5th grade for perfect attendance but I actually got sick and missed out on that, that first year seemed to go pretty well, I didn't like doing homework and there were quite a few things I didn't understand sometimes, but I never actually asked for help and I realize now that I should have because it caused me to flunk 5th grade and I had to redo it all over, I'm a shy guy and I have always had trouble talking to people and it has always been a problem, I had a lot of friends in the first year of 5th grade, even ones who I decided that I would look out for, there was 1 in particular who was a pretty good friend, his name was Robert and he was on hand crutches to walk, I saw him getting teased a lot because of it and that's when I started stepping in, I would put myself between him and the kids teasing him and make them go on their way, like I said i was a pretty decent sized guy even then so I guess I used it to my advantage.

Throughout my entire time at DHH Lengel everything seemed pretty good, I became friends with alot of good people whom I happen to still be friends with to this very day, 1 in particular I am now living with in saint clair (Jim Kreiger), I was wearing a superman shirt under my normal shirt the day I decided to mess around with Jim in english class, I kept looking over at him and shoot a middle finger his way or a weird face and I guess I pissed him off because he wanted to fight me after school so I showed my superman logo underneath my shirt and he laughed, I never did fight him after school and it was a long time until we actually talked after that, but now i'm living with him in an apartment in saint clair with him, its funny how things play out sometimes.

To get back on track we need to skip ahead to 6th grade when me the big guy started to get bullied and I refused to do anything about it back to the kids doing it, apart from telling my parents of course, but no insults, crying or doing anything of that nature back to any of these kids, I just kept taking it and taking it, and then took it some more, and that carried all the way through to high school.

I think thats all im gonna write for today ill post more soon.